

The computer at my workplace turned into a disaster and I couldn’t do any work at all. Harddisk rosak, motherboard rosak, everything rosak. And at that point of time, I wonder why I even received the computer as a work computer in the first place when it was so defective.

At this point of my life, I really don’t care if my lines are clean at all. Seeing clean lines of other people’s work looks amazing but drawing clean lines myself gives me a sense of … ickyness? Like its too clean and empty looking.

Also, infant warmers are cozy =)

The number of times I’ve slept like this while waiting for that ‘BABY OUT’ is…. Ugh. I’ve even slept under baby warmers when I was an anesth resident while waiting for the surgeon who forever cannot find the appendix. If I’m not head banging at the ventilator, then I’m hibernating at the open hood infant warmers. I know some will argue that it’s ‘not sterile‘ but you can always discard the layer of napkins for a fresh sterile one.

Also, you think the one doing the surgery is very sterile meh? Look at all these wound breakdowns.

Also, if baby ever gets colonized by my skin flora, I can bet that they will be a super baby – with all this ESBL, MRSA, VRSA, CRE, VRE etc.

It’s a joke. Stop getting so pissed off.

Thank you very much and have a nice day~

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